Why Quit Vaping?

Frequently Asked Questions About Quitting Vaping.


Why quit vaping?

Your health, both physically and mentally is vital. You are a human being who is entitled to live a healthy and happy life! When you smoke or vape, you are taking in toxins that are detrimental to your body. Vaping may have fewer toxins than smoking, however, it still contains toxic chemicals as well as nicotine that cause ill-health and side effects. Vaping has now been found to cause poor development in children for both lungs and brain.


Will quitting vapes lower cholesterol?

In your body there is good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). The majority of vapes still contain Nicotine and Nicotine causes a decrease in your HDL levels while increasing your LDL levels. Therefore, when you quit vaping your nicotine levels drop and the high levels of LDL will drop too.


What quitting vaping does to your body?

When quitting vaping you'll find your bad cholesterol levels will drop. High levels of bad Cholesterol (LDL & VLDL) are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. When you quit vaping you also help avoid or reduce the chance of lung damage or disease and an overall reduction in the chance of cancer development.


Will quitting vaping help my skin?

The chemicals contained within vapes can cause a decrease in the production of collagen (a vital product for encouraging new skin cell growth). Collagen also controls your skin's elasticity, so when levels are reduced, premature aging and wrinkles can occur. There is a potential to increase inflammation, which has the potential to cause irritation, redness and skin sensitivity.


Does quitting vaping make you gain weight?

Some people encounter weight gain when they quit smoking or quit vaping. This is actually due to a change to slower metabolism because of Nicotine withdrawal. There is a potential for some quitting methods to cause you to transfer your vaping addiction to another, such as eating or sugar. If there is also a lack of exercise then there is the potential for weight gain. Longer term, your weight will be similar to someone who is a non-smoker/vaper. Now you see why the right way to quit vaping is an important decision.


When you quit vaping, what are the side-effects?

That all rather depends. Most vapes/e-cigarettes contain an amount of Nicotine. Nicotine is a recognised addictive drug. The quantity of nicotine in your chosen vape, the time you have been vaping/smoking and your state of health may influence any side-effects. Common side-effects are: Nicotine cravings, increased appetite, insomnia, anxiety, depression and anger/frustration or a displayed irritability. That's why it is important that when you quit vaping both your physical health and mental health are taken into consideration of your quitting method. Nick Warburton takes these factors into account so that particularly your mental wellbeing is focused on, also which means that you can then take care of your physical health. Mindset and Mental Wellbeing is vital!


Is quitting vaping hard?

Yes and No! The primary question is, "Do you want to quit vaping?" If the answer is "YES!" then you are already on your way! It also depends on the method you choose for how to quit vaping. There are many methods, some take forever, some use alternatives, distractions, or there's hypnotherapy and CBT. These all have varying degrees of success and longevity. It also depends on what outcome YOU want.


Can you just quit vaping?

Yes you can just quit vaping! That may sound like an impossible task right now, however, the main factors are your motivation and the method to quitting vaping that you choose. If you aren't quitting vaping for your own reason ( because someone has told you to quit, not that you want to quit) then it will be difficult or short-lasting. The method to quit vaping also has an influence. It depends on how the method works. It may take ages to quit, or it may be very rapid and effective.

Nick Warburton offers a rapid and effective system because of the method he uses (none of the above methods!) The method Nick offers and specialises in has a complexity and science in the background, yet it is simple for you... That's the best way!


Is quitting vaping worth it?


The likelihood is that you started smoking/vaping for a reason some time ago. There are many reasons why people vape and hence why Nick takes all this into account when he creates your bespoke solution to your addiction.

When quitting vaping you will be improving your physical health due to the reduction of toxins you put in your body and the subsequent health issues that are associated with vaping.

Your mental health can improve too. Partly because you will stop ingesting the vape toxins and also because Nick works with you to improve your mindset, positivity and mental wellbeing (hence the name of his main website!)
You'll save money as there's no more regular outlay of buying vapes or e-cigarettes.

Ready to quit vaping? Let's get started!

Contact Nick


nick @ improvemymindset.com


+44 (0)844 357 92 92

Call: +44 (0)844 357 92 92

Email: nick @ improvemymindset.com

Site: www.improvemymindset.com

Quit vaping FAQs

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