Nick Warburton

Quit Vaping Specialist

Anxiety & Trauma Specialist

Learn more about Nick and his background

About Nick Warburton

Nick Warburton - Anxiety Specialist
can you just quit vaping

Practitioner, Trainer, Author, Father, Photographer, Keen Baker.

Nick Warburton has lived the majority of his life in the beautiful English town of Ludlow, South Shropshire.

An Educator

Originally trained as an automotive engineer, Nick became a College Lecturer in the subject working with students from their teenage years and upwards to mature students. Nick learned how to teach and communicate concepts with simplicity and in a way individuals understood. Working with children and adults from many backgrounds and varying abilities, he learned to understand their personal situations and the reasons for certain behaviour. With this training, understanding of human behaviour and of their psychology, it sparked a specific interest in mindset and motivation. Nick continued to work in education for 20 years, gaining a great deal of experience. Through this time, the all too common effects of teacher's stress took their toll and Nick experienced, first hand, mental wellbeing issues and he felt that he needed to follow a different path and to be on the road to better health. That new path became an amazing and enlightening journey for him.

An opportunity to assist and enable others

Nick continued to help people through his ability to do life coaching for people. He found he could use his educational, business and presentation skills to help people move forwards and so was created. The challenge he encountered in some instances was that some people, no matter what lessons could be given, wouldn't/couldn't move forward due to their inner voice creating doubt or fear of doing things differently. Nick needed to find a way to eradicate their negative inner voice and so searched for a suitable method. He discovered a wonderful system called Psy-TaP (PSYchosensory-Techniques And Principles) and this fitted his needs perfectly. Psy-TaP is a rapid and highly effective modality which Nick then trained in and became a Certificated Practitioner in 2018, training with and alongside some of the best in the industry. This meant that he could now work with clients for psychological issues such as trauma, anxiety, stress, panic attacks and phobias too.

Experienced & well trained

Nick continues his research to learn more about his niche and specialism to provide a premium and bespoke service to his clients.

"I love what I do. I always strive to create solutions for people and Psy-TaP enables me to rapidly remove the inner barriers, voices or trauma that prevent people from moving forwards. To see my client become relaxed, their trauma treated and their self-confidence escalate is extremely rewarding and satisfying. I want to help as many people as possible and I'm able to do that, not only in person but via a video call like Zoom or Skype, which is wonderful!"

Nick has worked in the Occupational Health sector as an Operations Manager for Mental Wellbeing. This has enabled him to work with SMEs and major global corporations (Car manufacturers, train operators and energy companies, to name a few), to identify, manage and facilitate training for their management and staff. Nick now brings his training and experience to provide his own modern and effective ways to create great positive mental wellbeing and mental resilience for your company using his Calm Company programmes. These programmes have been proven to make a major positive difference to staff wellbeing, from shopfloor to management and improve company productivity.

Feel calm and at ease

You will find Nick is a calm, positive individual with great empathy and who has a way to make you feel very at ease. Having been through issues himself in the past, he can understand and relate to what it is like to have personal issues/challenges and uses his experience to your advantage. His treatment sessions are light and don't have to be a harrowing, drawn out experience like some other treatments or therapies can be. His favourite sessions are what he refers to as 'T2L' or 'Tears 2 Laughter'. This means that the fast and effective treatment from Nick Warburton and Psy-TaP clears the trauma and empowers the client, normally with them finishing with a big smile and a new life ahead!

Different ways to make a difference

Nick recently achieved a long desire to become an author. He created the concept of a children's book that contained a treatment within the story. The Phuntec brand stories began, the first of which is 'Timid Turtle & His Bag Of Worries'. Writing in partnership with Kevin Laye, this new concept in children's stories contains the Psy-TaP techniques Nick uses to enable treatment. The story has already gained a great global following and is making a positive difference and is the first in many stories to come. There is even a complete school lesson version of the story available so that it can be taught in schools. Click here to learn more about Phuntec and Timid Turtle.

Nick has also contributed his knowledge, content and techniques to several mental health issue books. He is a firm believer that the more people understand what can be done toward better mental health and wellbeing, the better the world can be.

Many happy clients

You can read the many and happy testimonies Nick has received from his clients. Click here to see the difference he can make to your life as he has done for others.

Contact Nick now

Let's discuss your situation and let's make a positive difference.

N. Warburton ©2023

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